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This is a fantastic game with so much love and care shining through. Absolutly fantastic for a free game and the artstyle and design is amazing. I hope the developers are thinking about expanding the game further because there is so much potential for this game. A++ great job on the game

Hello devs, I am in love with your game and would love to help in any way of establishing a community! message me if interested.


I want to play it, but I'm using Linux  :,(


The game is amazing, BUT I want to talk about how good the design is as a whole. Atma means soul in Hindi, and many of the mantras look similar to Hindi letters.  Good game, even better if you understand it.

(1 edit)

It's wesome 😭. Just one thing happened to me when I was playing with the Atma's boss. I left three skulls on the ground and the fourth was left unturned and was too far to join with another. I could happily, with much difficulty, slowly push another one towards this one. I don't know if it was an error of the game or I just didn't find the way to do that correctly... 😅

Incredible game. 🙌 

This game looks so beautiful! Everything about this just takes my breath away. The calm music, the wonderful love story, all the different characters and those damn visuals... I could go on and on forever. You have really created something truly wonderful, keep up the good work!

How long have you been working on this game? :D

I don't know if you've heard of Game Development World Championship before (gdwc2019) but it's a competition for indie game developers where they can submit their games and it's free! It's great if you want some more visibility for the game and it only takes a couple of minutes to join :)

The game looks amazing! Good job on that part. The wind spell really didn't want to cast with a mouse though and glitched like mad. After the temple, I also managed to soft lock myself by standing in the interaction range of two npcs at once. When I talked to them, the game broke, and now I can't move.  Was a great experience, until the whole soft lock thing. 

(1 edit)

It looks really awesome 😱, I will play it and then give you my rating. But it's amazing your work, incredible!!!!!! 🙌 

Not bad I realy like the design of the game.

incredible stuff! The polish brought me in and the Mantra mechanic is really interesting and exciting.


Is there going to be a mac build?

Ran in to a few minor issues with loading and leaving certain areas resetting progress, but overall, still a damn good time! The combat clicked a bit more with me this time around, and that final fight was quite the spectacle! I'm exited to run a third episode to get the other ending! Keep up the great work!

Awesome game!

This game is so pretty! Gameplay is fun, my only complaint is that I can't run/sprint and it makes doing puzzles where you have to move around a bit (like toward the end of my video). I hope you enjoy the video! 

I thought this art style looked a little familiar and realized the game shares a dev with Aube! Really loving what's going on here so far save that the combat feels a little strange piggybacking off the puzzle mechanics, but I'm damn exited to see what's left! Keep up the great work!


Looks really good. Really love the visuals. Just Downloaded keep up the good work

wowie~ this looks so pretty! visually, it kinda reminds of hyper light drifter.


Looks incredible! Definitely looking forward to playing this one :)

best thing i've seen in a while

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